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Product Engineer

发布:[2022-03-07]  阅读:
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职位名称: Product Engineer 月薪水平: 面议或未公开
工作性质: 全职 职位类别: 电子/机械/工程类
工作地区: 太仓新区 作息制度: 双休
食宿情况: 有工作餐 招聘人数: 1人(当前应聘0人)
工作描述: 1. Develop and sustain technical expertise on materials and associated products, and related applications to provide product recommendations. Maintain comprehensive knowledge and understanding of all Company products and their applications, manufacturing processes and applicable safety and health concerns. In addition, maintain working knowledge of competitive product information. below for details.
1.1 Develop various tools to accelerate the product development process and utilize these tools to support every day engineering. The tools include material library, 2D thermal calculator, tonnage calculator and a calculator for vibration time series data to power spectral density amongst few other.

1.2 Create material library with an extensive set of material data of the materials used by Lydall. The materials include aluminum, stainless steel, aluminized steel and insulation fibers. The material library would contain all the technical properties required to engineer a heatshield. These properties are used as inputs for various calculations and FEA simulations. An extensive knowledge of material behavior is required to create and utilize this material library.

1.3 Create a 1D thermal calculator for heat shield applications (utilizing heat transfer formulas). This tool would quickly calculate the thermals and gives an idea of materials and their thickness to be used based on the temperatures. An extensive knowledge of heat transfer is required to create and utilize the tool.

1.4 Create a tonnage calculator to calculate the tonnage required for stamping/forming a heatshield. The resulting tonnage helps decide the appropriate press to stamp the part. This calculator uses the material properties as one of the inputs.

1.5 Create a calculator to convert the time series data to frequency domain and PSD which would use Fourier transformation for the conversions. This conversion helps to view the data in frequency domain which would be preferred for analysis.

2. Provide technical support to the applications and sales groups to for technical-commercial    activities required to maintain and grow business on assigned accounts, including development/validation of proposed solutions, assistance at customer presentations, participation in technical reviews, interpretation/co-development of customer Statement of Requirements, submission of detailed technical proposals and reports, and other activities required by the sales and engineering staff. below for details

2.1 Provide technical support utilizing FEA simulations, testing and technical calculations.

2.2 Modal analysis, stress, deflection, mass participation factor and thermal simulations to support product development using Ansys.

2.3Modal analysis, Sine vibration endurance, Random vibration endurance, accelerated fatigue test and thermal testing to support the design verification and production validation.

2.4 Present technical proposals to meet customer statement of requirements and help sales team with RFQ. Technical proposals with material suggestions and thermal predictions based on 1D thermal calculation.

2.5 Evaluate new ideas for effectiveness, applicability and feasibility.

2.6 Present all the simulation, test and technical data to the customer at technical reviews.

3. Create or optimize conceptual 3D designs as required, incorporating both form (DFM, DFA and metal forming practices) and function (thermal, acoustical and mechanical) and generate the required design engineering reports, and technical recommendations for subsequent detailed designs and plant cost/feasibility reviews.    Assist in detailed 2D/3D CAD design work as required for peak workload situations. Provide design solutions based on FEA results to meet the customer requirements. Design solutions to meet the structural and thermal requirements. Clean and optimize the CAD for FEA analysis. Work with alternative designs and materials to help meet manufacturing feasibility.
4. Develop/maintain relationships with key customer engineering activities, using regular contact to identify customer issues that could benefit from Lydall solutions and to establish/maintain Lydall’s reputation as the key solution-provider for thermal and acoustical automotive applications. Provide failure analysis to help identify the issues. Work on identified issues to find out the root cause. Provide corrosion expertise for new part to meet the requirement and for post endurance/corrosion test parts.
5. Work with alternative designs and materials to help meet manufacturing feasibility.
6. Support customer technical groups as required for launch programs and engineering changes, including participation in PDT meetings and other key customer events. Provide test plans and proposals to meet the DV, PV and launch dates. Provide technical guidance to customer and internal teams to help with challenges.
7. Serve as an active participant in LSS programs that promote continuous improvement. Create DFMEA sheets for different product lines. Evaluate issues with high risk priority number.
8. Establishment of yearly goals both personal and departmental in support of corporate goals.
9. Participate in project meetings, feasibility studies and quoting processes as requested.
10. Remain current with technology advances within work specialty and adapt where justified.
11. Maintain records and follow procedures as outlined in the Company Quality Manual and Engineering Department Work Instructions.
12. Establish and maintain effective communication with sources and recipients of necessary information, keeping managers and others informed where their responsibilities are affected.
13. Contribute to cost saving ideas and program implementation.
14. Must adhere to all company policies and safety rules.


学历要求: 本科 专业类别: 机械/仪表类
详细专业要求: 不限
适宜性别: 不限 年龄要求: 不限
工作经验: 5年 户籍要求: 不限
外语能力: 不限 计算机能力: 不限
技能资质: 不限
其它要求: Must have extensive computer aided in Ansys and NX software   


首次录入时间: 2022-03-07 10:03:00
Product Engineer - 来达隔热隔音汽车部件(太仓)有限公司
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