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今天 03月12日 00:00起 更新职位: 1717 投递简历:1666 |   实时动态 ... 更多动态

项目工程师 - 食品接触材料

发布:[2025-03-11]  阅读:
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职位名称: 项目工程师 - 食品接触材料 月薪水平: 6000-12000
工作性质: 全职 职位类别: 电子/机械/工程类:机械工程师
工作地区: 太仓沙溪 作息制度: 双休
食宿情况: 招聘人数: 1人(当前应聘68人)
福利待遇: [五险一金] [补充医疗保险] [免费班车] [带薪年假] [生日福利] [节假日福利] [员工旅游] [年终奖金] [定期体检] [其它福利]
工作描述: 江苏省 太仓市 沙溪镇 岳王临港南路525号 平谦(太仓)现代产业园

Job Responsibilities:
• Build up and establish a project team for major clients
• Coordination of customer orders to ensure correct scheduling and testing performance. Time management of the orders and monitoring of the running orders within team. Arrange work distribution within team.
• Preparing sub-orders and conditioning/sending out the samples to the subcontractor.
• The customer management (understanding the needs of his customers) within the scope of orders and communication with the customer about testing.
• The complete documentation and traceability of the services as rendered within the scope of orders and test results.
• The correctness and plausibility of the test results and the information as reported in the test reports, certificates, etc.
• Laboratory-based test performance in accordance with EN-,DIN-,IEC-,ISO, regulations, directives and/or applicable work instructions.
• Writing and reviewing of test reports and project related correspondence.
• Cleanliness at the work place used (keep a well organized work place)
• That the use of equipment and personal protective equipment will meet the safety and health instruction.
• Inform his/her supervisor in case of deviation from applicable standards and regulations.
• Early information to client and supervisor in case of difficulties in meeting the deadline.
• Immediate information to his/her supervisor in case of quotation problems (actual cost will exceed the planned sum)
• Provide detailed test plan to testing engineer, lab assistant, technician.
• Keep SAP updated.
• Keep record of your chargeable amount or hours per project.
• Consultation and advising of customer and colleagues in technical issues
• For the planning of business travels (on agreement with the direct supervisor) when they will become necessary within the scope of test orders.
• Continual improving his own workplace and work organization.
• Participation (on demand) in meetings (For example: internal meetings), interacts within decision-making processes and cares for implementing those decisions.


学历要求: 本科 专业类别: [机械/仪表类] [材料类] [轻工纺织食品类]
详细专业要求: 不限
适宜性别: 不限 年龄要求: 不限
工作经验: 1年 户籍要求: 不限
外语能力: 英语 熟练 计算机能力: 熟练
技能资质: 不限
其它要求: Job Requirements:
- Be familiar with the office softwares such as excel, word, ppt…
- Good communication skills
- Good time management concept
- Be willing and capable to learn
- Good skills on writing and spoken English
- Mechanical and Physical Majors will be better
- With third-party work experience will be in priority


首次录入时间: 2021-11-03 13:39:28




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