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Trane Warranty Data Specialist

发布:[2021-04-16]  阅读:
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职位名称: Trane Warranty Data Specialist 月薪水平: 面议或未公开
工作性质: 全职 职位类别: 人事/行政类
工作地区: 太仓新区 作息制度:
食宿情况: 招聘人数: 1人(当前应聘7人)
工作描述: Trane Warranty Data Analyst is responsible for gathering, consolidating, analyzing and reporting quality metrics from Plant Quality team, Asia Pacific Mature Market & Emerging Market Service team and Finance team. The role is also tracking, verifying, providing abnormal quality data fluctuation early alert and calculating annual operating plan metrics of SBU Quality. Assist relevant departments to promote visual management of reports to ensure the effective quality data sharing. This position needs to share a role of assistant for Vice President of AP Integrated Supply Chain & Operations.
1. Collect, consolidate, analyze and report quality metrics, include ICQ DPPM, Warranty DPPM, CoPQ, Supplier DPPM, Supplier Recovery, RCA, etc., within AP.
2. Proactively audits data/information systems for data integrity and conformance, investigate inconsistent and abnormal data points.
3. Track, verify, provide abnormal quality data fluctuation early warning for superiors through the analysis of various data sources.
4. Assist in data trending, calculate annual operating plan metrics of SBU Quality.
5. Align SBU Quality policy/procedure with Plant Quality team and relevant cross function department within AP, provide data collection guidance and template.
6. Support quality activity initiative, such as Supplier Quality Training and World Quality Day etc.
7. Assistant job for Vice President of AP Integrated Supply Chain &Operations
1) Proactively assist VP to manage calendar, arrange meeting and book meeting room base on VP’s requirements.
2) Assist in collecting meeting material and preparing presentation, include online and video.
3) Assist in travel preparation, include booking flights, hotels, car rental, business visa through BCD Travel Agent. Prepare travel request form to proceed for next step approval.
4) Assist in local administrative supporting for visitors from ISC headquarter.
5) Assist with VP’s expense reports.
6) Perform other related duties as assigned.
Key Competencies:
1. Quality systems and practical skills and experience
2. Proficiency in quality data analysis tools applications to facilitate data analysis.
3. Strong understanding of application and data integration and how systems communicate with each other.   
4. Working knowledge of master data management and relational databases
5. Proficient in MS Office suite with intermediate to advanced Excel and Power Point.
6. Solid interpersonal and communication skills with the ability to influence colleagues and to interact with various departments throughout the organization   
7. Ability to build strong relationships with peers and superiors by building trust and credibility, strong collaboration skills.
8. Active listening skills to understand business needs and effectively collect and interpret business data for decision making purposes.


学历要求: 本科 专业类别: 不限
详细专业要求: 不限
适宜性别: 不限 年龄要求: 不限
工作经验: 不限 户籍要求: 不限
外语能力: 英语 熟练 计算机能力: 不限
技能资质: 不限
其它要求: Qualifications:
1. Bachelor’s degree or equivalent business experience.
2. Relevant experience of Business data analytics experience and understanding of the quality functions.
3. Good at English reading, speaking & writing, and office software.


首次录入时间: 2021-02-04 10:11:55
Trane Warranty Data Specialist - 特灵空调系统(中国)有限公司
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