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今天 11月22日 00:00起 更新职位: 2028 投递简历:982 |   实时动态 ... 更多动态


发布:[2018-06-08]  阅读:
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职位名称: 工程师 月薪水平: 6000-8000
工作性质: 全职 职位类别: 电子/机械/工程类
工作地区: 太仓港区 作息制度: 轮休
食宿情况: 有工作餐 招聘人数: 1人(当前应聘0人)
工作描述: Purposeof role:
To act as mechanical and instrument specialist in the operation, maintenance and inspection of Taicang Plant.
To be responsible for maintenance of all mechanical and partial instrumentation(in this document mechanical equipment includes but not limited to: tanks, piping, valves, pumps, air compressors, engine, pneumatic and hydraulic system, civil infrastructure, water supply and drainageetc. and any mechanical part of a machine& PLC) and keep all plant facilities and equipment in safe working condition as a member of the maintenance and engineering team.
To meet BHSSE requirement.
To coach and transfer knowledge to maintenance and operation staff.
Key Results/ Accountabilities expected from role
Providemechanical and Instrument support to construction, commissioning and acceptance of Taicang plant. Ensure plant equipment is constructed and / or installed in compliance with relevant regulations and standards, meeting product quality and productivity requirements.
Coach and transfer knowledge to plant staff forcommissioning and operation. Make sure plant staff has adequate mechanical knowledge to operate and maintain equipment.
To prepare operation and maintenance procedures and work instructions, and provide mechanical inputs for other procedures and instructions. Ensure procedures and work instructions are adequate and correct regarding mechanical aspects as needed.
To plan and implement plant equipment inspection and preventive maintenance, and provide support for other equipment maintenance. Make sure all plant mechanical equipment are in safe working condition while machine unplanned breakdown and maintenance cost are minimized.
To plan and request mechanical spare parts, prepare specification, provide assistance to procurement, and keep these spare parts in good condition. Ensure mechanical spare parts inventory are reasonable meeting both production and cost requirement.
To troubleshoot and repair mechanical equipment fault, liaise with equipment supplier and manufacturer, and provide support for other equipment fault.
To do failure root cause analysis and take corrective actions and share lessons learnt. The failure root causes areanalysedand actions take, lessons learnt.
Be involved or lead modification and capital projects as needed. Ensure projects meet HSSE expectation such as MOC, relevant regulations and standard, and project objectives.
Be involved in selection and evaluation of maintenance contractors, train contractors and supervise their work as needed.
Help technician and operator develop, lead as needed. Ensure technicians and operators can get adequate professional guidance and skills from the incumbent.
Quality, environmental and HSSE internal audit as needed.
To seek opportunities and propose for continuous improvements to continuously improve HSSE, cost and quality performance. Help technicians and operators for developing and leading as needed. Ensure technicians and operators can get adequate professional guidance and skills from the incumbent.
To beresponsible for all BP Integrity management requirements as a technical authority or support to plant engineering authority.
Act as task owner for applicable compliance tasks assigned. Ensure timely and appropriate completion of tasks, consistent with operational controls, and record these as complete in the compliance task management system.
Need to work in shifts.
Key challenges faced on the role
As the production capacity increase gradually and the filling equipment and pumps become more elder. TPM, advanced maintenance management, operator good skilland spare parts management will be as main job responsible.


学历要求: 本科 专业类别: 机械/仪表类
详细专业要求: 不限
适宜性别: 年龄要求: 30岁 - 45岁
工作经验: 1年 户籍要求: 不限
外语能力: 不限 计算机能力: 熟练
技能资质: 不限
其它要求: Experience &Expertise(mandatory & desired)
College degree in engineering or related disciplines.
More than 5 years of plant experience in design, construction and maintenance of mechanical and instrumentation equipment.
A good communicator, and team worker with the ability and willingness to work closely with others
High/low voltage electrician certification, mechanic and welding certification are preferred
Willingness to teach and share information with others
Willingness to learn and show initiatives for self- improvements
Logical thinking, highly organized and problem solving ability.
Motivated self -starter.
Effectively prioritize work and handle multiple tasks at the same time.
Works well under high pressure situations.
Committed to environmentally, safe and healthy work practices.
English ability in reading, writing and speaking preferred
Familiarity with industrial and Chinese national codes and standards


首次录入时间: 2018-06-08 16:43:43
工程师 - 上海恒展物流有限公司
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