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发布:[2017-06-06]  阅读:
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职位名称: 橡胶模具工程师 月薪水平: 8000-10000
工作性质: 全职 职位类别: 经营管理类
工作地区: 太仓新区 作息制度: 双休
食宿情况: 有工作餐 招聘人数: 1人(当前应聘0人)
工作描述:  Ensure conformity of molds and equipment used in manufacturing.
 Analyze the failure mode and point out improvement suggestion and solution
 Communicate with suppliers of molds and compounds to problem solving
 Reviews and approves tooling drawings from suppliers of molds.
 Be responsible for mold maintenance and storage and spare parts management
 Continuous optimizing on de-molding structure, including tooling texture, material selection
 Develop optimal process (including documentation) and monitor processes to ensure product specifications are maintained
 New part development:
 develops equipment for PPAP and production launch
 assists scheduling start-up activities
 conducts special initial controls and inspections during pre-production launch
 be responsible for new mold trial production and problem solving with the suppliers
 Be able to implant and optimized the mixing process with the open mill in production
 Provides technical assistance for the production, the laboratory and the training programs like to train production people to use the open mill
 Be proficient to use test equipment of laboratory
 Be able to analyze the issues through experiment lab test or molding process and analyze these failure modes by lab data or production data.
 Improves production operating efficiencies (scrap reduction, downtime reduction, waste elimination…)
 Cost reduction through material localization, efficiency improvement, process design optimize


学历要求: 本科 专业类别: 化学/生物/医药类
详细专业要求: 高分子化工
适宜性别: 不限 年龄要求: 不限
工作经验: 3年 户籍要求: 不限
外语能力: 英语 六级 计算机能力: 精通
技能资质: 不限
其它要求:  Knowledge of the implementation and manufacture of elastomeric articles:
 Must be experienced in tooling design and trouble shooting
 Must be experienced in component handling and de-molding systems for rubber processes.
 Knowledge of the fluid dynamics and viscoelasticity (element of rheology, flow instabilities, nature of polymeric flow)
 Knowledge of mechanical principles and hydraulic
 Understand thermal effects on components and tooling during molding
 Knowledge of polymeric materials and different formulation ingredients of elastomers
 Understanding the adding steps of components for the production of compound and their function in the recipe (properties, impact on vulcanization time, impact during moulding…)
 Knowledge of mixing process: internal mixing and open mill
 Knowledge of the properties of elastomers and the consequences on their applications
 Knowledge and understanding of the laboratory equipment and tests results that ensure the compound is conform and appropriate to the molding process (viscosity, rheology, hardness, traction, compression…)
 Be proficient to use 3D software (PRO-E/UG/SOLLDWORK)
 Previous experiences in rubber manufacturing:
 particularly experience in molding process
 Formulation of compound   
 At least five years’ experiences on mold relate working, can complete debugging independently, and can calculate the reasonable cost of mold
 Good communication and coordination skills, strong sense of responsibility and hard work spirit
 Be self-motivated, responsible, professionalism, good teamwork, spirit and communication skills.
 Chemical Engineering with polymer science degree or rubber engineering background.
 Good written and spoken English


首次录入时间: 2017-03-16 09:52:14
橡胶模具工程师 - 普泰橡塑垫片(苏州)有限公司
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