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职位关键词(点击搜索): 供应链助理(SC Assistant ); 供应链; Assistant; 助理; 

供应链助理(SC Assistant ) (1034414)

招聘单位:苏州宏达制酶有限公司 [2024-09-12]  阅读:

职位名称: 供应链助理(SC Assistant ) 职位类别: 人事/行政类:行政秘书
工作性质: 全职 应聘/招聘人数: 11/1
工作地区: 太仓沙溪 作息制度: 双休
住房食宿: [提供工作餐] 月薪水平: 面议或未公开
工作描述: In this role you will make an impact by:

1、Manage management's calendar and schedule appointments, meetings arrangement, and travel management.
2、Receive visitors, prepare logistics arrangements and schedules of visits.
3、Plan and organize business meetings, workshops, and team events.
4、Timely complete the drafting of written documents for internal and external communication material.
5、Prepare Meeting minutes, presentations, and deliver accurate and timely reports related to Supply Chain Management and ensure all the reports are well-documented and accessible for review by relevant stakeholders.
6、On-site support on branding, working environment, office facility relevant activities.
7、Perform other works assigned by Supply Chain APAC management.
8、Ensure that the above work activities comply with relevant national laws and regulations, company policies and strategies, the company's food safety, quality environment and safety system.
学历要求: 本科 专业类别: [管理类] [语言文学类]
专业名称: 不限 户籍要求: 不限
适宜性别: 不限
年龄要求: 不限 工作经验: 3 年
外语能力: 英语 精通 计算机能力: 熟练
技能资质: 不限
其它要求: 1、Bachelor’s degree or above, major in English, business management related etc.
2、Work experience in the above fields at least 2-3 years.
3、Proficient in English reading, oral and writing.
4、Good service mindset and focus on details.
5、Good communication skills and coordination ability.
6、Have good Microsoft tools skills, such as PPT, Word, Excel, etc.
职位首次录入: 2024-09-12 16:16:27
供应链助理(SC Assistant )-苏州宏达制酶有限公司



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ICP许可证:苏B2-20190061;苏ICP备10224897号-1;软著登字第0395877号; 营业执照;人力资源

本页更新时间:2024-09-19 09:58:12 []