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职位关键词(点击搜索): 机械设计工程师; 工程师; 机械; 设计; 

机械设计工程师 (1029242)

招聘单位:克恩-里伯斯(太仓)有限公司 [2024-09-06]  阅读:

职位名称: 机械设计工程师 职位类别: 电子/机械/工程类:机械工程师
工作性质: 全职 应聘/招聘人数: 33/1
工作地区: 太仓新区 作息制度: 双休
住房食宿: 月薪水平: 12000-15000
工作描述: 1. Provide technical support in feasibility study of new RFQ from customer and to participate in drawing review and risk assessment针对客户询价的可行性研究提供技术支持,参与图纸评审和风险评估。

2. Create tooling concept for new RFQ and estimate cost on new tooling/fixture/gauge etc. and provide tool DFEMA when necessary为新的询价创建模具方案并估算新工具/夹具/量具等的成本,并在必要时提供模具设计失效模式及后果分析。

3. Make tooling / mechanical design for new nominated STS parts according to project targets and create quick guide根据项目目标对新定点的STS产品进行模具/机械结构设计并创建快速指导书。

4. Support sample production in cooperation with production and/or relevant departments and ensure tooling and fixtures meeting targeted SPM and quality goal与生产和相关部门合作支持样品生产,并确保模具以及夹具满足目标SPM和质量目标。

5. Implement systematically tooling/fixtures optimization for cost down/efficiency improvement and make continuous improvement for production parts together with cross functional team (CIP) 与跨职能团队一起为降本和提高效率系统地实施工模具/工装夹具的优化并持续改进生产零件(CIP)。

6. Provide technical support customer in cooperation with sales and others department to improve customer satisfaction与销售等部门合作为客户提供技术支持,提高客户满意度。

7. Complete other tasks assigned by head of product development 完成产品开发经理交办的其它任务。
学历要求: 大专 专业类别: 不限
专业名称: 不限 户籍要求: 不限
适宜性别: 不限
年龄要求: 不限 工作经验: 0 年
外语能力: 不限 计算机能力: 不限
技能资质: 不限
其它要求: 任职要求条件

Education & Major 学历与专业

Bachelor’s degree or above, majored in tool design, mechanical engineering or related

本科学历及以上, 模具设计、机械工程或相关专业

Job Related Experience 相关工作经验

At least 3 years and above of working experiences in mechanical design


Total Working Experience整体工作经验

Overall working experience in mechanical design


Specific Knowledge/Skills 特殊技能知识

1) Good understanding of engineering drawing and technical specifications 熟悉工程图纸和技术规范。

2) Master CAE tool such as Solid Edge熟练使用CAE工具如Solid Edge。

3) Be familiar with various machine performance and related parameters 熟悉各机械设备的相关参数。

4) Good knowledge about mechanical property of metal material and tooling manufacturing machines 深入了解各类机械结构和模具加工设备。

5) Basic knowledge of quality tools (APQP, PPAP, FMEA) 基本了解质量工具如APQP, PPAP和FMEA。

Others 其他

1) Good communication skills with other departments, and good team player in the cross functional environment与其他部门良好的沟通能力,在跨职能工作环境中具有良好的团队合作精神

2) Basic English skills in reading and written 具备基本的英语读写能力

3) Good MS Office skills including Outlook良好的MS Office软件技能包括Outlook

Understand basic knowledge about project management 理解项目管理基础知识
职位首次录入: 2024-08-08 09:57:42



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本页更新时间:2024-09-13 10:09:26 []