太仓人才网 [登录] 2024年09月08日 星期天 您是第 2034453967 位访者(今天第 126612 位访问者)  目前在线 184版本更新 设为首页 | 加入收藏
职位关键词(点击搜索): 采购工程师; 工程师; 采购; 

采购工程师 (1026599)

招聘单位:通快(中国)有限公司 [2024-08-19]  阅读:

职位名称: 采购工程师 职位类别: 采购/物流类:采购员
工作性质: 全职 应聘/招聘人数: 29/1
工作地区: 太仓市 作息制度: 双休
住房食宿: 月薪水平: 面议或未公开
工作描述: 1.To be responsible for the whole sourcing process including successfully finishing market analysis, supplier pre-selection, conducting RFQ and developing and qualifying suppliers;负责整个采购流程的成功完成,这包括进行市场分析,供应商预选,询价,比价,议价,发展供应商,帮助供应商到达通快要求,使其成为通快合格供应商;
2.Ensure close cooperation with the TRUMPF subsidiaries’ purchasing personnel.    and material group (part) managers;确保与通快子公司各物料组的采购专员和物料组经理的密切合作;
3.Coordinate International Purchasing Officer projects to achieve the savings for whole Group. Ensure the follow-up and implementation of every important stages from sourcing to implementation in the entire international procurement business    协调向集团其他分公司提供国际采购业务,确保整个国际采购业务从寻源到落地的每个重要环节的跟催和落实,以达到集团降本的目标;
4.Organize supplier assessment    and support supplier audit; 组织供应商评估,协助履行供应商审核;
5.Implement supplier progress and development within a set timeline; 在设定的时间表内,实现供应商的进步和发展计划;
6.Strong sense of cost saving and the concept of total cost of ownership; 具有较强的降本意识及总成本概念;
7.Implement the project plan and cost down based on expected target within a set timeline; 在设定的时间表内履行各项目的各项计划的完成并按照预期实现成本的下降;
8.To be Purchasing contact person to relevant assembly line, business units and subsidiaries. Be responsible for Purchasing issues from ECN and localization projects on related material group; 配合相关产线,事业部和关联公司,负责相应物料组的技术变更和本地化项目的落实;
9.Support to complete    the other task    assigned from the Leader; 协助完成主管指派的其他任务;
学历要求: 本科 专业类别: 不限
专业名称: 不限 户籍要求: 不限
适宜性别: 不限
年龄要求: 不限 工作经验: 0 年
外语能力: 不限 计算机能力: 不限
技能资质: 不限
其它要求: 1.Bachelor degree or similar 本科或与其相当的学历毕业
2.Graduate industrial engineer or similar in an appropriate technical, have optical,    optomechanical related professional background or have engaged in related industry procurement or quality is preferentially
3.>5 years in relevant function    5年以上相关的工作经验;
4.Understand the optical drawing in specification and process, in Experience in a telecom, Laser, Optical manufacture industry in the purchasing department
5.Proficient in optoelectronics & Optomechanical parts purchasing is preferentially;
能理解光学图纸和工艺要求,并在光通讯,激光以及光学制造业的采购部门有一定的工作经验. 熟悉光电/光机采购工作从优;
6.Excellent level of I.T. skills, especially in MS Excel, SAP and Power BI experience is plus 熟练运用IT办公软件,尤其擅长Excel的运用, 有SAP及Power BI应用经验优先
7.Good level of Business English written and spoken
具备熟练的工作英语 :包括书面和口语的熟练运用
8.Highly commitment to work; travels are requested for the job, a self confident and open manner for daily coordination and collaboration work with other departments, clients and suppliers is necessary.    Experience in working with various departments like engineering, production and quality management in projects
Observe the regulations on the Employee’s Handbook and Code of Conduct of TRUMPF China
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    恪尽职守,能够适应工作出差, 自信并以开放的方式处理日常与跨部门、客户以供应商的沟通与合作;与工程、生产或质量管理等部门有项目合作的经验。能理解并遵守通快的员工手册和行为准则。
职位首次录入: 2024-07-19 14:37:33



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ICP许可证:苏B2-20190061;苏ICP备10224897号-1;软著登字第0395877号; 营业执照;人力资源

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