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发布者:苏州宏达制酶有限公司   发布时间:2011-11-04   阅读数量:    

See your ideas come to life

Your bright idea might be our next revolution. We value expertise at all levels, and help you find the shortest route from idea to reality.


IT Engineer (case no-1714)


An IT engineer will provide the following supports to local plant(Suzhou HongDa Enzyme ):


·    Continually improve IT users’ satisfaction via value-added IT service

·    Keep whole IT Infrastructure systems running well in Novozymes China and Novozymes A/P Region

·    Setup, update or upgrade IT infrastructure system to fit for company’s target, development and need

·    Make sure IT operation in Novozymes China and Novozymes A/P Region compliance to NZ IT policy

·    Make sure IT tasks and projects meet the deadline and target

·    Keep the network system (including Windows 200X/NT System), client side system and other related System running well in Novozymes

·    Provide IT support service, including pc hardware, network connection, Windows, Office, Mail and other application software that installed, for users in Novozymes China and provide necessary support for Novozymes A/P Region Users

·    Scan and clean virus both in client and server side proactively for Novozymes China and provide necessary support for Novozymes A/P affiliates

·    Backup system & business data for Novozymes A/P in daily bases, implement data restore when needed

·    Make necessary computer skill training for IT users of China and A/P affiliates

·    Coordinate the purchase of IT equipments , including computer, printer, network device and IT accessories based on Novozymes global standard

·    Give out suggestions for IT works



·    University degree in Computer Science, Electronic and Other related Degree

·    2 years of relevant working experience

·    Honest and openness

·    Accountable and responsible

·    Strong team spirit

·    Positive attitude and good executive force

·    Good communication skills

·    Some degree of creativity and individual initiative

·    Fast learner

·    Good business understanding

·    Language: fluent in oral and written English & Mandarin



This position is temporary, the contract will end up in 2012.03.31 , you need fit to the position ASAP, work with other sites colleagues to apply Siemens project.



Rethink tomorrow :

Novozymes is the world leader in bioinnovation. Together with customers across a broad array of industries we create tomorrow’s industrial biosolutions, improving our customers' business, and the use of our planet's resources. With over 700 products used in 130 countries, Novozymes’ bioinnovations improve industrial performance and safeguard the world’s resources by offering superior and sustainable solutions for tomorrow’s ever-changing marketplace.



Contact information [网址不可见]

Application deadline: 2011.11.25

Location : Su zhou hongda

有意者请发英文简历至:possc-rec@novozyems.com (邮件名称注明NZSH1714)




在线服务:QQ 1987127758 ; QQ 451677071
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