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博格华纳汽车零部件(江苏)有限公司 招聘简章

发布者:博格华纳汽车零部件(江苏)有限公司   发布时间:2017-02-06   阅读数量:    


博格华纳的总部位于美国密歇根州的奥本山,为全球主要汽车生产商提供先进的动力系统解决方案,是这个领域中公认的领袖。博格华纳在其一百多年的历史中,始终以节能,降低排放,提高发动机和变速系统技术性能为产品开发理念,为世界上众多的整车厂和动力系统供应商开发提供了高技术含量的发动机及变速系统关键部件。博格华纳集团由五大业务部门组成,即涡轮增压和排放系统(Turbo & Emissions Systems)、摩斯链条和热管理系统(Morse TEC & Thermal Systems)、贝鲁AG(Beru AG)、变速器系统(Transmission Systems)和动力传动系统(Torque Transfer Systems)。


1、过程质量技师/Quality Technician   2人   薪资面议

主要工作:一.岗位信息Job data岗位名称Job Title:过程质量技师 隶属部门Dept: 质量部职级level:技师类 直接上级:Report to:质量主管可轮换岗位Exchange Job: 进料质量技师或质量工程师 二.岗位工作概述Summary对整个生产过程每个环节质量监控工作工作职责与任务 Responsibitily1. 遵守各项劳动纪律及工作现场的安全、环境、生产健康事宜,按时做好交接班工作2.严格遵守安全健康环保规则、规定及工厂的行为准则;要正确使用个人劳动防护用品;积极参加安全健康环保健康培训;做好上下班整理工作;及时报告事故隐患和不安全健康环保因素;参加事故抢险和救援3.根据首末件单子对生产初期产品进行有效监控和检查,防止批量问题发生。 4.根据过程检验WI 对过程产品实施抽检工作。对检验结果进行准确的判定,对不合格品提出初步的处理意见,按程序规定执行,确保过程产品有效得到控制和纠正。;5.及时处理现场发现的不合格品,供应商问题及时上报主管和SQE处理。6.运用SPC控制图对现场关键点进行有效监控,防止不合格品流出。 7.按规定填写相关的原始记录及检验报告,并进行月、季、年度的相关数据统计汇总; 8.对于客户投诉问题及时下发质量警示单到现场并对工人进行培训。 9.负责维护SAP系统的运行;10.接受三班制任职资格Qualification教育背景:中专以上学历 ,机械专业优先经 验: 2年以上质量相关工作经验。有大型制造业外企公司工作经验优先技能技巧: 1. 具有良好的沟通,表达能力2. 对行业状况比较了解; 3. 熟悉使用计算机,OFFICE3. 可以看懂Auto-CAD图纸的标志、尺寸等; 4. 能熟练运用各种量具、仪器,有实验室计量器具和现场检具管理经验优先; 5. 可以熟练操作ERP或SAP系统6. 熟悉TS16949体系的优先;态 度: 1.积极进取,责任心强; 2.很强的自我约束力,独立工作和承受压力的能力; 3.高度的工作热情,良好的团队合作精神;服从领导安排。

要求外语:英语 一般
职位地址:https://www.tcrcsc.com/zpxx_213457.html 博格华纳汽车零部件(江苏)有限公司 招聘简章

2、Advance Quality Engineer /前期质量工程师   1人   薪资面议

主要工作:KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES:1) Be responsible for new product development quality scheme;2) Be responsible for Production Quality Assurance Planning for new or relocation projects, new/modified products and ensure continuous;3) Be responsible for submit PPAP documents to customer;4) Develop application of quality specifications in both the customer requirements and product specifications; 5) Collaborate closely with team member and keep making continuous improvement on quality system;6) Establish a robust feedback machan for customer satisfaction data; 7) Seek opportunities for continuous improvement through the application of lean manufacturing techniques;8) Work with service group to establish a robust monitoring mechanism for field quality;9) Establish a robust corrective process throughout the product delivery process;10) Initiate action to prevent the occurrence of product non-conformity and system deficiency ;11) Be responsible for site safety, health, security and emergency systems awareness;12) Employees should strictly abide the EHS rules and regulations and behavior guide line in the plant; wear PPE in right way; actively participate in EHS training; do housekeeping at work; report accidents and unsafe issues immediately, join the accident disposal. Specific presentation can be reached in TMS system and individual job description;13) Any other tasks assigned by supervisor.EDUCATION/EXPERIENCE:1) Bachelor's Degree or equivalent in Engineering;2) Familiar with TS16949 and ISO14001, Knowledge of Quality Systems;3) 5 years or above related experience;4) 2 years related managerial experience in manufacturing setting;5) Preventative attitude and quick response;6) Highly focused on results and objectives;7) Environment systems and Lean Manufacturing;8) Knowledge of MSDS;9) Process improvement leader;10) Coaching and Leadership skills;11) Good communication and negotiation skill;12) Understanding of engineering techniques;13) Fluent English/Mandarin.

要求外语:英语 良好
职位地址:https://www.tcrcsc.com/zpxx_218451.html 博格华纳汽车零部件(江苏)有限公司 招聘简章

3、生产实习生 (2017届毕业生)   5人   月薪 1500-2000 元

主要工作:工作描述:根据工艺要求操作装配线设备生产产品工作职责:1.遵守各项劳动纪律,按时做好交接班工作2.严格遵守安全健康环保规则、规定及工厂的行为准则;要正确使用个人劳动防护用品;积极参加安全健康环保健康培训;做好上下班整理工作;及时报告事故隐患和不安全健康环保因素;参加事故抢险和救援; 3.按标准作业指导书操作装配线的生产线设备,及设备的标准化换线4.参与产线的5S工作并进行TPM的自主维护活动5.参与班组内的改善活动,及工作经验的分享任职资格:教育背景:中专以上学历 ,机械专业优先经 验: 高中、中专、技校 >=3年装配操作工职位或同等职位(操作工背景)技能技巧: 1. 具有良好的沟通,表达能力2. 机加工设备操作调试调试能力3. 熟悉数控加工设备程序态 度: 1.积极进取,责任心强; 2.很强的自我约束力,独立工作和承受压力的能力; 3.高度的工作热情,良好的团队合作精神;服从安排。

职位地址:https://www.tcrcsc.com/zpxx_465748.html 博格华纳汽车零部件(江苏)有限公司 招聘简章

4、工艺技师/工艺技术员   1人   薪资面议

主要工作:岗位职责: 1. 严格遵守安全健康环保规则、规定及工厂的行为准则;要正确使用个人劳动防护用品;积极参加安全健康环保健康培训;做好上下班整理工作;及时报告事故隐患和不安全健康环保因素;参加事故抢险和救援;员工具体安全健康环保职责参见岗位职责说明书。 2. 抓好车间安全生产,杜绝安全隐患及事故 3. 鉴别、协助解决现场过程中存在及发现的产品及工艺技术问题 4. 做好工装的验证,维护保养和改进 5. 监督执行设备日常及周维护计划 6. 对生产线首件产品进行检测 7. 有存在工艺故障的,及时对工艺故障进行排除 8. 有新的产品时换线,负责生产线换线,并对首件进行验证,生产工人和班组长进行协助 9. 对生产过程不合理布局物流进行改善10. 监督操作工的操作方法和作业行为,纠正不良的操作11. 工程样件制造和支持12. 负责上级交待的工作事宜 任职要求: 1. 大专及以上的学历; 2. 具有4年以上工艺技术员相关工作经验; 3. 了解工装验证基本知识; 4. 了解工艺问题的解决办法; 5. 了解新产品工艺调试知识; 6​. 掌握测量基本知识。

职位地址:https://www.tcrcsc.com/zpxx_466119.html 博格华纳汽车零部件(江苏)有限公司 招聘简章

5、实验室测量技师   1人   薪资面议

主要工作:KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES:1) 遵守各项劳动纪律及工作现场的安全、环境、生产健康事宜,按时做好交接班工作;2) 严格遵守安全健康环保规则、规定及工厂的行为准则;要正确使用个人劳动防护用品;积极参加安全健康环保健康培训;做好上下班整理工作;及时报告事故隐患和不安全健康环保因素;参加事故抢险和救援;3) PPAP PROTOTYPE 样件尺寸和形位公差测量;4) 操作ZEISS三坐标测量机和海克斯康三坐标测量机;操作投影仪;操作粗糙度仪和圆度仪,利用常规检具,如卡尺、平台等测量尺寸;5) 测量结果分析,确定测量方法正确;6) 仪器和检具校准;7) 保证测量安全,不损坏仪器,不伤害自己;8) 量检具的测量系统分析,MSA;9) 接收实验室体系的审核和各种内外部审核;10) 阅读测量相关ISO GB标准;11) 保证实验或测试中的安全,工作健康和环境;12) 完成上级交待的其他任务;13) 严格遵守安全健康环保规则、规定及工厂的行为准则;要正确使用个人劳动防护用品;积极参加安全健康环保健康培训;做好上下班整理工作;及时报告事故隐患和不安全健康环保因素;参加事故抢险和救援;员工具体安全健康环保职责参见岗位职责说明书。EDUCATION/EXPERIENCE:1) 教育背景:中专以上学历 ,机械专业优先2) 经验: 2年以上质量相关工作经验。有大型制造业外企公司工作经验优先3) 技能技巧: 1. 具有良好的沟通,表达能力2. 对行业状况比较了解; 3. 熟悉使用计算机,OFFICE3. 可以看懂Auto-CAD图纸的标志、尺寸等; 4. 能熟练运用各种量具、仪器,有实验室计量器具和现场检具管理经验优先; 5. 可以熟练操作ERP或SAP系统6. 熟悉TS16949体系的优先;4) 态度: 1.积极进取,责任心强; 2.很强的自我约束力,独立工作和承受压力的能力; 3.高度的工作热情,良好的团队合作精神;服从领导安排。

职位地址:https://www.tcrcsc.com/zpxx_482162.html 博格华纳汽车零部件(江苏)有限公司 招聘简章

6、Design Engineer/设计工程师   1人   薪资面议

主要工作:POSITION SUMMARY The Design Engineer is responsible for design studies and concept studies and will serve as a liaison between BorgWarner engineering, vendors and customers to ensure product [网址不可见] ACCOUNTABILITIES Design and release turbocharger components and assemblies for Asian market 3-D math models and 2-D engineering drawings Employees should strictly abide the EHS rules and regulations and behavior guide line in the plant; wear PPE in right way; actively participate in EHS training; do housekeeping at work; report accidents and unsafe issues immediately, join the accident disposal. Specific presentation can be reached in TMS system and individual job description.  Ensure TRIR & GSSF to reach yearly targetEDUCATION/EXPERIENCE Bachelor's Degree in Engineering required.  2 years of design experience Experienced in mechanical design, 3-D modeling, and drawing releases Experienced in CAD tools (such as Pro-E, UG, Catia) Solid background in mechanical engineering design, material science Familiar with manufacturing methods (tooling), especially casting technology Familiar with international standards (materials, etc.) Good communication skill in English and Chinese (written and spoken)  Any other tasks assigned by [网址不可见] SKILLS (Nice to have) Experience in design or development of turbo machinery or IC engines Familiar with IC engine & Turbo-charging theory Knowledge of product development processes Other foreign languages (German preferred)

要求外语:英语 良好
职位地址:https://www.tcrcsc.com/zpxx_498996.html 博格华纳汽车零部件(江苏)有限公司 招聘简章

7、设施助理实习生(2017届毕业生)   1人   薪资面议

主要工作:Key Accountabilities/Responsibilities:Be in charge of facility documents management include contracts, standards and payment [网址不可见] in charge of internal service works include food service, cleaning, greenery, PPE and garbage treatment. Making related service and maintenance standards and arrange training to make sure the processes [网址不可见] ISO14001 Environmental Management system and continual [网址不可见] environmental [网址不可见] TRIR & GSSF to reach yearly target.Requirements/Qualifications:College degree or [网址不可见] team work, strong ability of organizing , coordination [网址不可见] English and Mandarin skills both in writing and speaking.Understand OHSAS 18001 safety management system concept and play active role in the [网址不可见] in Office and email system.

职位地址:https://www.tcrcsc.com/zpxx_516804.html 博格华纳汽车零部件(江苏)有限公司 招聘简章

8、Supplier Quality Engineer/ 供应商质量管理工程师   1人   薪资面议

主要工作:POSITION SUMMARY1) Supplier quality control for mass production2) Follow up of the suppliers overall performance in the own production (assembly) process3) Conduct annual process and product audit4) Complaints handling for supplier quality issueKEY ACCOUNTABILITIES1) Control supplier mass production quality performance like PPM, CPM2) Make process audit on existing suppliers (both annual scheduled and in case of serious problem)3) 8D tracking and verification4) Support plant level supplier score card5) PPAP approval and tracking6) Training and pushing supplier continual improvement to fulfill company requirements and improve their performance7) Team work together with SDE, Materials Planner, etc8) Should strictly abide the EHS rules and regulations and behavior guide line in the plant; wear PPE in right way; actively participate in EHS training; do housekeeping at work; report accidents and unsafe issues immediately, join the accident disposal. Specific presentation can be reached in TMS system and individual job description9) Other works assigned by leaderQUALIFICATIONS / REQUIREMENTS1) Above Bachelor's degree in Engineering or Technical degree 2) Minimum 3 years of work experience, preferable in automotive or automotive supplier industry, in field of Supplier Quality Engineering3) Be able to read engineering drawing as well as GD&T4) Be familiar with TS 16949, APQP, PPAP, MSA, SPC and supplier management5) Good communication skills and team work style6) Good English both in written and oral7) Six Sigma green or black belt (preferred). 8) Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook and PowerPoint.

要求外语:英语 良好
职位地址:https://www.tcrcsc.com/zpxx_516921.html 博格华纳汽车零部件(江苏)有限公司 招聘简章

9、仓库管理员   2人   薪资面议

主要工作:KEY RESPONSIBLITIES→Receiving: Need familiar with receiving procedure, responsible for unloading cargos from suppliers, counting and check the delivery document accordingly.收货工作: 熟悉收货事务程序,负责供应商来料卸货,清点以及单据签核。→Picking: Need familiar or professional with picking process, responsible for delivery the parts to each production line at right time and right quantity according to production plan or Kanban and milk run.配送配料事务:熟悉专业配送配料事务,满足生产计划要求,确保各生产线在对的时间得到正确零件和数量的补给,熟悉生产计划和看板循环补给精益物流系统。→Shipping: Need familiar with the shipping procedure, responsible for loading goods daily to customers according customer delivery plan, need double check, counting and prepare proper documents which customer required.客户发货:熟悉客户发货业务,主要负责根据客户交货计划日常发货,发货之前做双重确认和清点,并提供正确的客户发货文件。→Sub-contracting: Need familiar with the sub-contracting issues, responsible for components ship to sub-contract supplier and do the posting in SAP at the same time.外协业务:熟悉供应商外协外发业务,负责打包,清点和发放到外协供应商以及系统同步做账.→Cycle Counting: Monthly cycle counting and API, responsible for each parts and bin inventory accuracy.盘点:熟悉循环盘点和年度盘点操作,仓库管理员对物料库位准确性负责,确保账物卡一致。→FIFO: Locate the goods as labeled, and ensure FIFO implement through the whole process. 先进先出:负责所有物料定置定位,确保先进先出原则贯穿整个物料产品过程始终。→ Returnable Packing Materials: Responsible for customer and supplier returnable packing materials management and keep record accordingly for all in and out process.循环周转包材:负责客户和供应商周转包材管理,并建立台账明细。→NOK Management: Need familiar with NOK parts disposal procedure and management, strong sense of quality first.不良品管理:熟悉不良品操作程序和管理,很强的质量第一的意识。→ Safety: Know well about warehouse operation risk point and strong sense of safety first. 安全:精通仓库运作安全风险点,强烈的安全意识和确保自己的个人行为完全符合公司安全规定。→ Comply with the rules of the company.遵守公司的规章制度。WORK EXPERIENCE1. At least 2-3 years of working experience as a warehouse keeper or related work"至少2-3年仓库工作经验。2. Be good at related office software (MS word, Excel,ERP), SAP is a plus.熟练操作办公软件,会操作SAP者优先。3. Forklift license is a must, reach truck and VNA truck is a plus.必须有叉车驾驶证和熟练操作叉车, 熟练操作前移式和窄巷道叉车者优先。KEY COMPETENCIES1. Work carefully, have a strong sense of logic and principle.工作认真仔细又很强的条理性和原则性。2. Be sensitive with the numbers.对数字敏感。3. Irregular working hours (can work in multiple shift patterns)可以适应不规律的工作时间和倒班工作。4. Personnel allocation if necessary at special times or after sudden changes of daily work如果需要,在特殊时间内或在生产工作计划突然发生变化时可服从人员调配。5. Can work under pressure and good team spirit.能够在压力下工作和良好的团队精神。EDUCATION1. Technical second school or above in mechanical or logistic engineering, high school is a must and bottom line.机械、物流相关专业中专以上学历,高中毕业是最低要求。2. Basic skill on English communication, can read it’s a must.基本英语可以看懂,英语好者优先。

职位地址:https://www.tcrcsc.com/zpxx_522529.html 博格华纳汽车零部件(江苏)有限公司 招聘简章

10、出纳   1人   薪资面议

主要工作:Key Accountabilities/Responsibilities:Daily work-TreasuryA: Daily Cash and Bank transaction task, and Company Credit Card B: Twice payment one month taskC: Making collection task on Local and Foreign customer D: E-banking of Bank of America and Bank of ChinaF: New Bank accounts create, change, delete’s taskI: Support monthly close treasury taskBW internal financial reportingA: Daily Cash balance reportingB: monthly bank note reportingC: monthly Liquidity reportingExternal affair & reporting A: Annual Licenses Inspection of treasury function B: Annual internal and external audit of treasury functionDaily work-Document filing&PU1 master maintainA: VAT invoice, general invoice, Export invoice, BT invoice issueOther task which assigned by Accounting ManagerMakes safety cost aside in Finance, and guarantee for safety usage. Ensure TRIR & GSSF to reach yearly targetRequirements/Qualifications:College Degree or above with major in Finance or [网址不可见] English skills (oral and written).Positive thinking on own job for job efficiency improvementAble to work independent and as a team playerGood work attitude, flexible to welcome new assignments

要求外语:英语 良好
职位地址:https://www.tcrcsc.com/zpxx_526846.html 博格华纳汽车零部件(江苏)有限公司 招聘简章

11、物料计划实习生(2017届毕业生)   1人   薪资面议

主要工作:KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES Use SAP to manage the Material Plan, Handle PO /SA acknowledgement ,Manage suppliers with respect to meeting delivery and quantity request, advise other Depts. through proper channels of any changes in lead time and availability of critical materials  Coordinate with Import specialist to handle imported material call in Review outstanding P.O.s and take necessary actions Maintain the material information properly in SAP system(e.g. Blanket PO, Quotation, Sourcing rule ) Manage excess and obsolete inventory with high sensitivity to fluctuation in business and cash flow impact  Coordinate and participate in supplier site evaluation Analyze the performance of the suppliers(e. g OTD, Service level) and take lead some logistics improvement on vendor side Work out the strategy on the vendor capacity planning improvement Follow up the shift of material's localization  Deal with suppliers on payment & quality issue Coordinate the ECN & DA implementationEDUCATION/EXPERIENCE College Diploma or Bachelor's degree major in International Trade/ Logistic Knowledge of ERP, Must have SAP experience, Skillful MRP implementation Written and Spoken English is well Skillful MS office skills, Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel & Outlook & PPT.

职位地址:https://www.tcrcsc.com/zpxx_527236.html 博格华纳汽车零部件(江苏)有限公司 招聘简章







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