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发布者:林德纳新型建筑材料(太仓)有限公司   发布时间:2014-09-29   阅读数量:    






1、折弯工   2人   薪资面议


职位地址:https://www.tcrcsc.com/zpxx_176780.html 林德纳新型建筑材料(太仓)有限公司招聘简章

2、CAD专员   2人   薪资面议

主要工作:1.Responsible to gather all necessary technical information from Sales Dept or Project Dept.负责从销售部或项目部获取尽可能全面的所有必须技术信息。[网址不可见] design proposal with lay-out plan, elevation drawings and section drawings. Prepare detail design and bill of quantity.准备项目的设计平面图、立体图及剖面图制作的设计方案;准备深化图纸和材料清单。[网址不可见] required technical tender documents such as system instruction, performance data, products certificate etc.提供必需的技术标书文件,如系统说明,性能参数及质量证书等;4.Explanation of design proposal.负责解释设计方案;5.Complete drawings, and Bill of quantity 完成图纸及材料清单;[网址不可见] on-site measurements and support when necessary.对有必要的,执行现场测量及技术支持工作。7.Cooperated with Technical Application Dep. to make sure new design or non-standard system is workable.与技术应用部门合作并确认新的设计或非标系统切实可行。[网址不可见] non-standard system to Price Estimator if necessary. 如有必要,向报价人员解释非标系统。[网址不可见] the manufacturing drawings to production for non-standard systems向生产部提供非标系统的加工图纸。[网址不可见] charge of all drawing up-dates, filing of drawings and related technical documentation.负责所有图纸的更新,并将图纸及相关技术文件整理归档。[网址不可见] work assigned by Manager.经理分配的其他工作。

要求外语:英语 良好
其他要求:[网址不可见] or above degree in Architecture, Civil & Structure Engineering, Internal Decoration Design or equivalent etc, and holder of internal Decoration designer professional title are preferred.建筑,土木工程,内部装潢设计等大专或以上学历,有内部装潢设计专业资格更佳。[网址不可见] technical understanding.优秀的技术理解力。[网址不可见] least 3 years experience in construction building interior design, 至少有3年以上建筑物内部设计经验。4.Proactive, responsible, good work management skill and can work independently.积极主动有责任心、良好的工作管理及独立工作能力;[网址不可见] communication and coordination skills, A good team player.良好的沟通协调能力,及团队协作能力;[网址不可见] at both written and spoken English. German is a plus.英文听说读写熟练,会德语者优先考虑;7.Professional in CAD专业的CAD技能[网址不可见] available for business trips if required for the projects.能因项目需要,适应出差安排。
职位地址:https://www.tcrcsc.com/zpxx_191081.html 林德纳新型建筑材料(太仓)有限公司招聘简章

3、质量检验员   1人   薪资面议

主要工作:[网址不可见] inspection in production site.生产现场的质量检验。2.According to the quality checklist to monitor the product quality states.依据质量检查表监控产品质量状况。3.Assistant quality supervisor carry out workshop site process audit.协助质量主管开展车间现场过程审核。[网址不可见] any incompliance to the quality supervisor and notice the production supervisor in time.一旦检查不符合质量要求,及时报告质量主管并告知生产部门主管。[网址不可见] immediate corrective action such as isolation, stop production etc, in case of quality major problems.一旦有重大质量问题,立即采取应急措施如隔离,停止生产等。[网址不可见] the quality of product, reduce the rate of waste material by efforts 产品的质量控制,努力提高产品的质量。降低废品率[网址不可见] 1st sample confirmation before machine start-up, conduct random check & random check record during production 生产过程中的首样确认,抽样检验,并做好检验记录[网址不可见] production process disqualification should record, analyse the reason and then give countermeasure. Decline the disqualification, and make an atmosphere of no defective quality management by correct and adopt preventive measure.对生产过程中出现的不合格进行记录 ,并分析原因,提出对策,通过纠正和采取预防措施,不断减少不合格品,营造零缺陷的质量管理氛围[网址不可见] badness of raw material in production process should record and give explain, and notice the quality in-coming controller to deal with it.生产过程中出现的原材料不良,进行记录和说明不良点,通知质量进料管理员进行处理[网址不可见] employee production, quality awareness and administrant training to gradually improve staff self-test competence and cognize toward produce.对员工进行产品、质量意识和管理的培训,不断提高员工自主检验能力和生产产品的认知能力[网址不可见] sure reality and efficiency of site process quality inspection确保现场过程的质量检验真实有效。[网址不可见] sure the status of material/product is clear marked and put into assigned area, always keep the working surrounding in the condition of tidy and cleanness督促员工做好产品标识(含待检标识),按规定摆放,保持工作现场整洁。13.Optimize the production process quality monitoring in accordance with the DIN ISO9001 quality management system, good cooperation relationship with the production personnel.依据DIN ISO9001质量管理体系的要求优化生产现场质量监控,与生产人员良好的合作关系。

其他要求:- Great communication skills /沟通能力强- Can cope with great volume of work /能应对大量工作- Capable to co-operate with other services and departments/善于与其它部门合作- Great team spirit character/强烈的团队合作精神- Familiar with mechanical drawings/熟悉机械制图-At least 2 years work experience as site process quality inspector/至少2年现场过程质检员工作经验-Have basis knowledge of ISO9001:2008 quality management system/有ISO9001:2008质量管理基础知识-Hard-working/工作勤快-Obey the quality supervisor work arrangement/服从质量主管工作安排-High school or college degree with basic English skill/高中,中专或大专学历有英语基础
职位地址:https://www.tcrcsc.com/zpxx_203680.html 林德纳新型建筑材料(太仓)有限公司招聘简章

4、销售报价经理   2人   薪资面议

主要工作:Job Responsibilities 工作职责:1.Responsible for the management of personnel and day-to-day work of the department.负责本部门人员调配和日常工作管理;Manage the dept with employees of different experience level and skills. Such as: headcount planning, selection and employment, Training and development, performance appraisal. 部门人员及工作的管理,如:人员计划、招聘、培训、绩效考核;[网址不可见] sales offer and calculatethe final Sales Prices when necessary.销售报价的审核,必要时计算最终的销售单价;3.Communicate with sales and project manager, give them necessary support.与销售和项目部沟通, 为他们提供必要的支持;[网址不可见] with Tendering Department from Lindner AG, provide the offer and necessary support.与总部的订单和询价部门联系, 提供报价和必要的支持;5.Cooperate with relevant department, collect all the factory price and necessary information from procurement department, production department and CAD department for sales prices estimation.与相关部门合作, 从采购部、生产部和设计部收集好所有的生产价格和必要的信息;6.Permanent contact to our sales teams in the key account markets 保持与销售团队在主要客户市场的联系;[网址不可见] and review project sales price. 分析和评估项目报价;[网址不可见] Order Controlling销售订单的控制;-Ensuring that calculated costs for each order can be met 控制每个订单不超过既定的成本-Early recognizing of such orders where costs cannot be met in order to timely react and implement changes to rescue the project 及早发现既定成本无法达成, 目的是及时反馈,并实施更改以获得项目的成功开展[网址不可见] work assignments by Supervisor - Centralized ISD Manager. 主管分配的其他工作。

要求外语:英语 熟练
其他要求:Qualifications Request 任职要求:1.University degree or above, major in Engineering, mechanism, architecture or related.大学或以上学历,机械、工程建筑或相关专业;[网址不可见] least 5 years experience in estimating, construction experience in Architectural projects will be prefered.5年以上报价或者成本核算经验,从事工程建筑行业的优先;3.Detailed, be responsible, loyal; good at work arrangement; can work well independent. 工作细心、认真负责、忠诚;良好的工作管理能力;能独立完成工作;[网址不可见] leadership, interpersonal and facilitation skills. 良好的领导能力,人际交往和协调的技能;5.Excellent at oral and written English.优秀的英语口语、书面表达能力;[网址不可见] familiar with office software such as word, excel. 熟练操作办公自动化如word, excel。
职位地址:https://www.tcrcsc.com/zpxx_204297.html 林德纳新型建筑材料(太仓)有限公司招聘简章

5、Estimator报价员   2人   薪资面议

主要工作:a)Calculating the Factory Prices in accordance to the Factory Guideline按照工厂原则计算工厂价格b)Controlling and Improving of the Guidelines in accordance with the Factory Supervisor 按照工厂主管的要求控制和改进计算原则c)Controlling and confirming of the Factory Output regularly with the Factory Supervisor in order to minimize calculation mistakes and in order to be as accurate as possible与工厂主管定期控制和确认工厂产量,将计算错误最小化,计算结果尽可能的精确。d)After offer the factory price to client, Filing the offer base on different project in comput-erized version and written version. 跟据不同项目将工厂报价以电脑及书面形式存档。

要求外语:英语 熟练
其他要求:1. University degree in Engineering, Mechanical, Architectural or related field. 2. At least 2 years related experience. 3. Be able to communicate with sales, engineers, colleagues of procurement and produciton department. 4. Computer proficiency is required, especial for Excel. 5. Be able to source from overseas vendors would be an advantage. 6. High sense of responsibility and loyalty. 7. Good English skill for reading and writting. 1. 机械、工程建筑或相关专业学历; 2. 2年以上相关工作经验; 3. 很好的沟通技巧; 4. 熟练操作办公软件,尤其是Excel; 5. 有外资工作经验者优先考虑; 6. 熟练的英语听说读写能力。
职位地址:https://www.tcrcsc.com/zpxx_204452.html 林德纳新型建筑材料(太仓)有限公司招聘简章

6、喷涂车间经理/Workshop Manager   1人   薪资面议

主要工作:Job Descriptions:Responsible for the entire outsourcing business of powder coating, lamination of Soundtex, application of soundtex ,plasterboard ,assembleing and final packaging as far as training and supervising of the personnel of the supplier, the powder coating line settings, delivery times, quality and process improvement is concerned. 负责整个外加工粉末喷涂的过程,包括:贴吸音纸、贴石膏板,最终组装及包装、对供应商的相关人员进行培训指导、喷涂生产线设置、控制交货期、品质及加工方法的改进。A. Powder Coating / 喷涂a) Powder Coating Process and new powder test / 粉末喷涂的加工过程及新粉末测试b) Handling of our Products (Correct hanging up, careful handling, etc.) / 操作(正确的悬挂、操作仔细)c) Providing and using of the necessary reports / Checklists / etc. / 提交和使用必要的汇报/检查单/等d) Delivery Times / 交货期e) Quality in accordance to the Quality Assurance Agreement / 品质必须符合品质保证的要求B. Lamination / 叠放a) Lamination Process / 叠放程序b) Handling of the lamination machine / 操作叠放机器c) Maintenance of the lamination machine / 叠放机器维修d) Improvement of the machinery’s way of working / 改进设备的运转方式e) Handling of our Products (Correct and careful handling before and after the lamination process) / 处理成品(在叠放之前之后都要正确仔细的操作)f) Providing of the necessary reports / Checklists / etc.提供必要的汇报/清单/等g) Delivery Times / 交货期h) Quality in accordance to our checklists and Guidelines for Soundtex按照吸音纸的清单和规定控制质量C: Packaging / 包装a) Sensitisation for the importance of correct and proper packaging能理解正确包装的重要性b) Handling of our products during packaging process包装过程中正确操作c) Packaging in accordance to our packaging guidelines按照我们的包装指导进行操作Qualifications Request:1. Bachelor Degree or above, Major in Mechasiam or related.本科或以上学历,机械或相关专业;2. At least 5 years relative working experience in Manufacuturing field. 至少5年以上相关行业管理经验;3. Be Responsible.具有很强的责任心;4. Good Communication and Inter-personal coordination skill.良好的沟通协调能力;5. Very good work management ability.很好的工作管理能力;6. Good team leader. 善于领导团队;7. Fluent English speaking, reading, writting and listening. 英语听说读写流利;8. Be familiar with MS office such as word, excel, PPT etc.熟练使用word,excel等办公自动化软件。

要求外语:英语 熟练
职位地址:https://www.tcrcsc.com/zpxx_209456.html 林德纳新型建筑材料(太仓)有限公司招聘简章







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