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发布者:林德纳新型建筑材料(太仓)有限公司   发布时间:2014-04-18   阅读数量:    






1、Quality Supervisor/manager   1人   薪资面议

主要工作:Summary Responsibility/职责综述:[网址不可见] in charge of the entire Quality department with respect to quality assurance, quality awareness, quality management, personnel, as well as safeguarding the compliance of the organization in according to the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 management system. Especially focus on PPC pre-treatment to satisfy the requirement of environment.全面负责公司质量部门,以ISO9001及ISO14001体系为目标达成公司质量保证、质量意识、质量管理、公司组织等行为。特别注意喷涂车间的前处理工艺,以确保达成环境管理体系要求。[网址不可见] and improve procedures and develop organizational measurements with regards to health, safety and environmental features. At the same time, take the responsibility of powder coating quality assurance, to make sure all Lindner’s coating quality can reach the related standards or requirements.程序的监控和改善,开发组织测量方法,以达到健康,安全型的环境。同时负责粉末喷涂的质量管控,以确认林德纳的喷涂产品质量达到相关标准。[网址不可见] planning, Budget Monitoring, preparing and discussing of monthly / quarterly quality reports is equally important.预算规划,预算监控,每月/每季度质量报告的编制和讨论。Job responsibilities /工作职责:1.Management work of the department, such as: personnel planning, selection, training and retaining of key people.本部门管理工作,如:人员计划、选拔、培训和留用;[网址不可见] plan and control.部门预算的制订及控制;[网址不可见] Management System, including coordination, support and preparation of following works: a) Documented Procedures; b) Working Instructions; c) Check Lists; d) Forms; e) etc.负责质量管理体系,包括对以下工作内容的协调、支持和准备:a)文件形成程序;b)作业指导;c)检查列表;d)表格;e) 其他4.Consulting and support all parties involved in the QM Process regarding: a) preventive measurements;b) measurements to achieve process reliability; c) preparation of QM documents; d) official tests / checks, etc.为质量管理过程中涉及的各方提供咨询和支持,包括:a) 防范对策;b) 实现过程的可靠性的测量;c) 质量管理文件的编制;d) 正式测试/检查等;5.Carrying out Management Reviews and Audits as well as respective documentation and analysis.审查和审计工作的开展,以及相应的文档制作、审核,并进行分析;[网址不可见] Management Planning (System, Product, Personnel, etc.)制作质量管理计划(系统、产品、人员等);[网址不可见] Representative of the top management; Coordinator of the quality representatives of the dif-ferent business units and departments 公司管理层的质量代表;协调各部门质量代表的工作;[网址不可见] information to the top management about the situation on the Quality Management System. Support the top management with enforcement and implementation of corrective actions.向高级管理人员汇报质量管理系统情况;协调高层管理人员施行执行和纠正措施;9.Detection of Quality Problems (quality assurance as well as organizational problems) and initiation of relvant actions to eliminate such problems质量问题的检测(质量保证和组织问题),采取措施以解决问题;10.Trainings arrangement in area of quality management and provide support.制定质量管理相关方面的培训,并提供相应的支持;11.Controlling Goods Income and productions “ongoing” inspections, especially double-check the quality of coating result including coating thickness, color difference and so on. To make sure all coating quality is controlled within the standards and avoid the client complaint. 负责进料检验及在线检验,过程检验尤其注意管控包括喷涂厚度,喷涂色差等喷涂结果质量,以保证喷涂产品的质量控制在标准内,避免客诉。12.Responsible decision maker (in cooperation with the production manager) with respect to: 1) usability of the product; 2) reworking of the product; 3) scrapping of the product;同生产经理合作,做以下决定:1)产品的可用性;2)产品改造;3)产品报废;[网址不可见] work assigned by GM. 总经理分配的其他工作。

其他要求:Qualifications Request /任职要求:1.Bachelor degree with major in Mechanical manufacturing/Engineering/Business Administration or related.本科及以上学历,机械制造、工程类、工商管理相关专业; [网址不可见] of 5 years concrete quality management experience in manufacturing industry. 至少5年以上制造型企业的质量管理经验; [网址不可见] & Strategic thinking, good at organizing and evaluating information. patient, higher work efficiency under pressure with multitask.思路清晰,很好的组织及分析能力。有耐心,在压力下能很好地多任务工作;[网址不可见]-conscious有自觉的成本控制意识;[网址不可见] communication & negotiation & interpersonal skills.很强的沟通协调、商务谈判、与人合作能力;[网址不可见] on own initiate, high moviated, high responsibility, reliable.积极主动、自我激励、高度的责任感、具有良好的品行;[网址不可见] team management and team work spirit, good at cross-function cooperation.良好的团队管理及团队合作能力、跨部门合作能力;[网址不可见] English, both speaking and writing.英语流利;[网址不可见] command of office software such as Word, Excel, PPT etc.熟练操作Word, Excel, PPT等办公软件。
职位地址:https://www.tcrcsc.com/zpxx_187888.html 林德纳新型建筑材料(太仓)有限公司招聘简章

2、绿化养护员   1人   薪资面议


职位地址:https://www.tcrcsc.com/zpxx_190454.html 林德纳新型建筑材料(太仓)有限公司招聘简章

3、CAD专员   2人   薪资面议

主要工作:1.Responsible to gather all necessary technical information from Sales Dept or Project Dept.负责从销售部或项目部获取尽可能全面的所有必须技术信息。[网址不可见] design proposal with lay-out plan, elevation drawings and section drawings. Prepare detail design and bill of quantity.准备项目的设计平面图、立体图及剖面图制作的设计方案;准备深化图纸和材料清单。[网址不可见] required technical tender documents such as system instruction, performance data, products certificate etc.提供必需的技术标书文件,如系统说明,性能参数及质量证书等;4.Explanation of design proposal.负责解释设计方案;5.Complete drawings, and Bill of quantity 完成图纸及材料清单;[网址不可见] on-site measurements and support when necessary.对有必要的,执行现场测量及技术支持工作。7.Cooperated with Technical Application Dep. to make sure new design or non-standard system is workable.与技术应用部门合作并确认新的设计或非标系统切实可行。[网址不可见] non-standard system to Price Estimator if necessary. 如有必要,向报价人员解释非标系统。[网址不可见] the manufacturing drawings to production for non-standard systems向生产部提供非标系统的加工图纸。[网址不可见] charge of all drawing up-dates, filing of drawings and related technical documentation.负责所有图纸的更新,并将图纸及相关技术文件整理归档。[网址不可见] work assigned by Manager.经理分配的其他工作。

要求外语:英语 良好
其他要求:[网址不可见] or above degree in Architecture, Civil & Structure Engineering, Internal Decoration Design or equivalent etc, and holder of internal Decoration designer professional title are preferred.建筑,土木工程,内部装潢设计等大专或以上学历,有内部装潢设计专业资格更佳。[网址不可见] technical understanding.优秀的技术理解力。[网址不可见] least 3 years experience in construction building interior design, 至少有3年以上建筑物内部设计经验。4.Proactive, responsible, good work management skill and can work independently.积极主动有责任心、良好的工作管理及独立工作能力;[网址不可见] communication and coordination skills, A good team player.良好的沟通协调能力,及团队协作能力;[网址不可见] at both written and spoken English. German is a plus.英文听说读写熟练,会德语者优先考虑;7.Professional in CAD专业的CAD技能[网址不可见] available for business trips if required for the projects.能因项目需要,适应出差安排。
职位地址:https://www.tcrcsc.com/zpxx_191081.html 林德纳新型建筑材料(太仓)有限公司招聘简章







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