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![]() 职位信息 |
职位名称: | 利格财务经理 | 月薪水平: | 10000-15000 |
工作性质: | 全职 | 职位类别: | 财务类 |
工作地区: | 太仓新区 | 作息制度: | 双休 |
食宿情况: | 有工作餐 | 招聘人数: | 1人(当前应聘10人) |
福利待遇: | |||
工作描述: |
Competence & Requirement能力及要求: 1. Bachelor degree or above 本科或以上学历 2. At least 5 years working experience on finance, 3 years with foreign invested companies, and 2 years for fi-nancial supervisor or related positions 5年以上财务工作经验,3年以上欧美外资企业,2年以上财务主管或相似岗位 3. Be familiar with the whole process of finance, risk management and internal control 熟悉财务整体流程、风险管理和内部控制 4. Be familiar with related law and regulations, tax regulation and the tax operation 熟悉熟悉政府相关法律法规、税务政策及税务操作 5. Be familiar with ERP, and strong skills of Office software 熟悉ERP系统,较强的办公软件操作技能 6. Fluent English 英语听说读写流利 Description of Tasks职责描述 The Financial Manager is involved in the management of the Company as far as any financial/ commercial issue is concerned, responsible to consult management in order to implement financial/commercial related issues into the company’s management principles, to advise and report about the financial situation of the company as well as to monitor, control ongoing operations and inform the management about any inconsistency found. 财务经理参与公司管理层在财务和商务事项的决策,职责是根据公司的管理理念制定相应的财务商务规章,报告公司的财务状况并提出建议,监督和控制正在进行的经营行为,一旦发现有违规章,及时知会管理层。 Area I: Funding & Accountancy 职责一:资金和会计 Responsible for a smooth handling of the daily business as on the subjects: funds and loan, accounts receivable, accounts payable, fixed assets, cost accounting, general ledger, and finance filing. 负责日常事务,具体包括:资金和借款、应收应付帐款、固定资产、成本核算、总账以及会计档案管理。 1、 Funding 资金 1.1 Management of all money concerned issues of transfer, online banking, loan etc. 负责资金的调度、网上银行、借款等相关事宜。 1.2 Contact Person for all bank related issues. 负责联系银行事宜。 1.3 Prepare the vouchers according to adequate transactions paper after reviewed and do the posting. 根据审核无误的结算单据,编制记账凭证。 1.4 Monthly reconcile the Cash and Bank account and push Cashier to clear the difference. 月末终了,编制现金及银行存款余额调节表,并督促出纳平衡差异。 1.5 Preparing quarterly cash flow forecast, and suggest GM about treasure arrangement, and foreign exchange risk management. 编制每季度现金流量预测。建议总经理关于资金安排及汇率风险的处理。 2、 Account Receivable & Area payables 应收、应付款 2.1 Establishing and implementing necessary procedures, contact with Sales, Commercial and Procurement for related concerns, making sure that related personnel are aware of implemented regulations. 建立和贯彻必要的程序,负责与销售、商务和采购人员的沟通,确保相关人员遵守这一程序。 2.2 Take charge the customer and vendor list management in ERP system. 负责管理ERP系统中的客户和供应商清单。 2.3 Monthly review the sales data and bookkeeping. 每月核对销售数据,编制记账凭证。 2.4 Monthly review with Commercial for sales and AR collection, check the aging and open items, assist to push Sales to collect the AR overdue, to make decision of sending company reminder letter or lawyer letter, con-firm the Bad debt account and report for approval. 每月往来结账后和商务核对销售及收款情况,进行账龄检查,对超账龄的应收款项协助督促销售催收,决定并处理公司函和律师函事宜。对发现或合理确认的坏帐及时报告。 Suggested the company take legal procedures for overdue AR collecting, cooperate with lawyer’s legal action according GM decision. 对于超账龄事项建议公司是否采取法律程序,并根据总经理的决定具体负责和配合律师的诉讼工作。 2.5 Monthly AP schedule according to payment item. 每月根据账期完成应付款付款安排。 3、 Fixed Assets 固定资产 3.1 Book the transactions (purchasing, transfer, disposal and stocktaking) record according to adequate paper after reviewed. 根据审核无误的单据,记录固定资产交易(购买、转移、处理、盘点)。 3.2 Prepare the vouchers for the FA transactions and accrue the depreciation. 正确核算固定资产的增减变动和计提折旧,编制相应的记账凭证。 3.3 Posting the FA & Depreciation ledger, allocation the expenses on each department / cost centre. 登记固定资产、累计折旧明细账,严格分清固定资产的使用部门以及折旧费用的承担部门。 4、 Cost Accounting 成本核算 4.1 Review the payment requisition, purchase order and relevant invoice, check the materials price in the system and stock-in note of warehouse, prepare the voucher, make sure the stock-in figures can be reconciled be-tween GL database and Inventory database. 审核付款申请、采购订单及相应发票,检查库存系统中的价格信息和材料入库单,编制记账凭证,保证总账和库存系统入库数额一致。 4.2 Check the stock-out note and IOB report of materials, prepare stock-out vouchers, calculate the cost data of materials for manufacturing order and product. 审核领料单和材料收发存分类汇总表,编制记账凭证并登记材料明细账,核算生产订单和产品的材料成本。 4.3 Review the data of labor cost, overhead and outsourcing, then calculate and book cost & expenses. 收集人工、制造费用及外发加工费等成本类的数据,并对其进行审核和计算。 4.4 Review semi-product and finished goods figures in Inventory database. 审核库存系统中的产成品、半成品报表。 4.5 Prepare adequate supporting to calculate the FG cost. 编制成本费用类台帐,核算产品成本。 4.6 Prepare relevant FG report include the data both quantity and value of send out goods, work in progress, sales and outsourced. 编制各类基础产品成本明细报表,反映销售发出、在产品、在途和外发明细。 4.7 Push HR, Job planning and Warehouse to prepare the labour statistics, materials & FG transactions record. 督促人事、生产计划和仓库做好工时、物资收发等原始数据的记录和统计。 5、 General ledger 总账 5.1 Set up bookkeeping support document, control the Account list. 建立完善的核算基础文档,管理科目清单。 5.2 Monthly calculation of accrue and amortization account and bookkeeping. 每月处理预提和摊销项目,编制相应记账凭证。 5.3 Acc. to China GAAP and company policy, review all the vouchers. 根据会计准则和公司政策,审核记账凭证。 5.4 Manage all the Balance of Account and do the adjust entry acc. difference after checking. 统一复核各类凭证以平衡帐目,并根据复核结果编制调整凭证和结账凭证。 5.5 Prepare the Balance sheet, Profit & Loss statement, and report to GM by any important issues occurred in current month. 编制资产负债表、损益表,并负责向总经理解释重大财务事项。 5.6 Meet with the requirement from government on accounting and statistics, prepare relevant report and take charge the annual verification from officer. 统一负责公司的对外会计及统计工作,编报各类社会统计报表,负责公司的联合年检工作。 5.7 Quarterly checking the vouchers and filing them. 按季度汇总整理凭证,装订成册并归档。 5.8 Archives controlling. Actions must be approved by GM: enquiry, copy, replacement, and so on. 会计档案管理。查阅、复印、借用、更换会计档案等必须经过总经理批准。 Area II: Taxes & Auditing 职责二:税务和审计 1. Tax 税务 Take responsibilities for all taxation issues, incl. Value-Added-Tax, refund Tax, Business tax, Enterprise Income Tax, and other misc. tax, FX declaration. 负责全部纳税事宜,包括增值税、退税、营业税、所得税及其他税金。 1.1 Check and prepare taxation document, tax calculation, and finish the declaration before the official deadline. 填制和整理各类纳税申报资料,负责税务核算,按时进行公司所有税种的纳税申报。 1.2 Calculate VAT refund document, handle the refund issues. 计算并核对出口退税资料,办理出口退税。 1.3 Take charge of the invoice, incl. VAT, export and others, purchasing and issuing. According to Commercial notification to issue the invoice, and then inform Commercial to do the registration. Manage to keep the in-voice on hand in the safe way, clear the cancelation or overdue invoice in the legal way. 负责公司的增值税发票、外销发票及其他发票的购买、开具和保管。根据商务通知开具发票,并在开票后通知商务登记。采取措施防止发票毁损、遗失、被盗。对于使用过、作废、过期等的发票严格办理核销。 1.4 Collect the input VAT invoice and get verification from Tax Bureau, book all the input VAT and prepare taxa-tion report. 整理汇总本月应该记帐的增值税进项电脑版发票,完成税务认证。根据每月的增值税进项税明细帐,将抵扣联汇总成专用发票进项税数据供税务申报。 1.5 Prepare current month VAT invoice issued record, finish the declaration. 汇总本月增值税开票额,税控开票抄税。 1.6 Pay attention to the new / changes of regulations of Taxation, Foreign currency, and report to GM in time. 关注最新财税及外汇政策变更信息,及时向总经理汇报。 1.7 Contacting tax authorities and tax consultant on a regular basis. 负责与税务机关和税务咨询机构之间的联系。 2. Annual Auditing 年度审计 2.1 Organize the year end auditing according to HQs planning. 根据总部计划安排年度审计。 2.2 As contactor with CPAs, communicate the offer, contract, schedule, etc. 负责联系审计单位,沟通报价、合同、日程等。 2.3 Coordinate the support of auditing on-site, include vouchers, stock-taking, details explanation of business, etc. 协调配合外勤审计,包括凭证、盘点、具体业务解释等。 2.4 Assist to CPAs for annual auditing on important account balance, include Bank, AR & AP. 根据审计要求发出对账单核对重要银行、客户和供应商的往来数据。 2.5 Cross check the auditing report draft with CPAs. 配合审计检查审计报告草稿。 Area III: Controlling 职责三:财务控制 Responsible for the financial controlling in accordance to the reporting principle of the Headquarter, related to the following tasks: budgeting, expenses review, cost report, asset management, warehouse controlling, etc. 根据总部的报告原则负责财务控制,包括以下内容:预算编制、费用审核、成本报表、合并报表、资产管理、仓库控制等。 1. Organize the annual budgeting according to HQs guideline, communicate with GM and each department leader to prepare the budget and planning within schedule. 根据总部方针组织年度预算,和总经理及部门领导沟通以按时编制预算。 2. Review all expense reimbursement and expenditure application (incl. Payment requisition), make sure ade-quate documents (invoice, Purchase order, etc.) are in place and meet regulations, the approval procedures are done. Then confirm the cost object, e.g. order, cost center, employee code, etc. 复核所有的费用报销及开支申请(如付款申请),要求相关资料(发票、采购订单等)符合规范,并且经过规定审批程序。确认成本对象,如订单、成本中心、职员代码等。 3. Running monthly cost-center reports from Kingdee, checking the variance within budget and actual expense and find out the variance reason. 每月从金蝶系统跑出所有成本中心的费用报告,核对预算和实际发生费用的差异,并找出差异的原因。 4. Quarterly prepare the consolidation package, contact with HQs for details explanation of data and account. 每季度编制合并报表,负责向总部具体解释数据及科目。 5. To supervise the Credit control procedures, check customer’s basic information and sales application, ap-proval and implemented customer’s credit according to the authority. 监督实施公司的赊销信用额度审批流程,检查核对客户的基本信息及销售的申请,出具专业意见并根据权限审批和落实。 6. Organize the annual physical count on all the FA before yearly closing, push Production to finish the solu-tions reporting of the difference. Take part in the scrap or liquidation of FA and review relevant report. 每年组织公司固定资产盘点,对在盘点过程中发现的问题督促生产部门查找原因并书面报告。参与对固定资产报废及盈亏情况的处理并审核处理报告。 7. Assist to the FA insurance case, periodically update the data of FA with insurance company. 协办公司的固定资产的保险工作,定期就固定资产价值和结构变化和保险公司沟通。 8. Cross check with warehouse of data, sampling stocktaking with warehouse keeper. Push warehouse keeper to follow the company policy to handle the data work. 定期与仓库账核对,并进行抽查核实。督促仓管部门按照公司管理要求做好仓库数据管理。 9. Organize the annual stocktaking, push warehouse keeper provide adequate report and double check. 组织年度仓库盘点,要求账实相符。对发现的问题要督促仓库查找原因,并在工作结束后审核有关书面报告。 10. Indicate any direction of malpractice in terms of financial related difficulties, procedures as well as organiza-tional problems. 指出和报告任何有关财务的管理或流程不当和人员管理的问题。 Area IV: ERP & IT (part time) 职责四:ERP & IT(兼) 1. As contactor with IT outsourcing company for any Server, PC, software and ERP issues, to arrange daily services support of users. 负责联系IT外包公司,包括服务器、电脑、软件和ERP,以提供用户日常服务支持。 2. Software & System 软件和系统 General Monitoring of the Server System 服务器的日常监控 Configure and alter access right of users, incl. folder server, ERP. 用户权限配置和更改,包括文件服务器和ERP系统 Management and maintenance of Kingdee ERP system, incl. but not limited: mater data control and check-ing, software configuration, bug safeguard, etc. 金蝶ERP系统的管理和维护,包括但不限于主数据文件控制和检查、软件配置、漏洞防治等 Support and coordinate with consultant for ERP workflow improvement and new format / functions updating. 配合支持ERP顾问完成系统流程改进和定制格式或功能变更 Management and maintenance of Exchange mail system 邮件系统的日常管理和维护 Management and maintenance of internet access controlling system 上网控制系统的管理和维护 Management and maintenance of anti-virus system 防病毒系统的管理和维护 Organize backups are stored away safely 负责备份数据并安全存储 Monitor period of all software licenses and keep in the archives 软件许可证的时效监控及存档 3. Hardware 硬件 Installation and configuration of PC, laptops as well as ancillary equipment. 电脑及周边设备的安装和配置 Maintenance of PC, Printers, Fax Machines as well as Copy Machines 电脑、打印机、复印机的维护 Area V: Human Resource Work (part time) 职责五:人事工作 (兼) 1、 Formulation, revise and implement company HR policy and regulation, constantly inform and explain to employees related information. Pay attention to new regulations whatever for labor or IIT, report to GM with professional advice, push relevant policy of company adjusted accordingly. 编制、修改和执行公司的人事政策和制度,并负责向员工通知和解释。关注有关人事和个税等法律法规的变更,向总经理报告并提供专业意见,使公司相关的政策调整以符合法律要求。 2、 Assist GM to prepare human resources planning, to make sure employment qualified with company busi-ness developing, within reasonable labor cost control. 协助总经理进行公司人力资源规划,以保证人员配备符合公司发展要求,并且成本可控。 3、 Recruiting issues, include explore new recruiting channels, advertisement, CV evaluate, act as the contac-tor with HR agencies and candidates, interview, offer preparing, timely employment and termination formality services to incoming and outgoing. 招聘事务,包括拓展招聘渠道、办理招聘广告、简历初审、联系人事中介以及候选人、参与面试、编制雇佣要约、及时处理员工进出事务等。 4、 Establish & maintain all files as necessary and ensure that all employee data are accurate, include contract prepare and filing, review and update according to legal requirement and company policy. 建立和完善必要的人事文件以确保所有员工信息的正确性,包括人事合同的编制、归档、审核以及根据最新的法律要求和公司政策更新内容。 5、 Salary, bonus and IIT calculating, checking employees' work time record, update or set up payroll & work time database. 工资、奖金及个人所得税的计算,审核员工考勤纪录,建立并更新员工工资和考勤数据库。 6、 Social insurance and house fund calculating and declaration, such as employment registration/termination, social security and house fund a/c transfer, update social insurance (including housing funds) annually when it will be noted. 社保及住房公积金的计算及申报,包括用工注册和终止,处理相关人事文件,员工社保及公积金账户管理等,每年根据通知更新社保基数(包括公积金)。 7、 Coordinate Training management, include prepare training plan, supervise training application, contracting, schedule monitoring, and certificate register, etc. 协调培训工作,包括编制培训计划、检查培训申请、签订培训合同、监督培训进度、及证书注册和记录等。 8、 Coordinate employee Appraisal, rewards and punishment, appointment and deployment. 协调人员的考核、奖惩、调配和任免工作。 9、 Indicating and reporting of malpractices in organization as well as personnel related deficiencies. 指出和报告任何管理上的不当和人员管理上的问题。 10、 Responsible for keeping good relationship with related authorities and enterprises. 负责代表企业保持与相关政府部门及企业的的良好关系。 |
![]() 应聘要求 |
学历要求: | 本科 | 专业类别: | 经济学类 |
详细专业要求: | 不限 | ||
适宜性别: | 不限 | 年龄要求: | 不限 |
工作经验: | 5年 | 户籍要求: | 不限 |
外语能力: | 英语 熟练 | 计算机能力: | 熟练 |
技能资质: | 不限 | ||
其它要求: | 不限 | ||
![]() 更多职位信息 |
首次录入时间: | 2021-09-08 15:36:03 |